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Therapy Clinics


Behavior Modification 

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

Play therapy - Art Therapy - ABA Therapy 

is a form of psychotherapy that involves reducing or eliminating behaviors and habits that are destructive, unhealthy or undesirable and learning or increasing more appropriate behaviors. It`s based on the premise that we are all shaped or " conditioned " by our environment. We learn to continue doing behaviors that are reinforced in some manner and to stop doing those that aren`t. In traditional behavior therapy, maladaptive or abnormal behavior are believed to be the result of defective learning.

Skills Development Program 

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

Skills development program, based on ABLLS-R, works on developing and improving the following basic skills:

  • Language skills 

  • Social skills

  • Academic skills

  • Self-help skills

  • Motor skills

Chalkboard Drawings

ADHD program

The target group are 2 years old - 6 years old

Helps a child change his/her behavior. It involves practical

 assistance, such as help organizing tasks or working

 through emotionally difficult events.

Art therapy

The target group are 2 years old - 6 years old

Is a form of expressive therapies that use art to improve

The person's mental and emotional performance. This expressive process involves the expression

About the self technically until they help people solve their problems.


Develop and control the individual's behavior and feelings, reduce stress and strengthen self-confidence.


Special needs Program

The target group are 1 year old - 5 years old

Applied Behavior Analysis 

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

Applied Behavior Analysis is a scientific discipline concerned with developing techniques based on the principles of learning theory of B.F.Skinner. This science studies how learning takes place and how behavior function, therefore, to build techniques that increase the possibility of healthy useful behaviors and decreases the possibility of harmful non-functional behaviors. 
A few types of therapies based on ABA principles are: discrete trial learning, incidental teaching or natural environment training, verbal behavior, pivotal response training, and natural language paradigm

Supporting Programs


Attention-training program 

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

The attention training program is about 100 exercises that aim to raise the child`s ability to focus his/her attention on tasks. The program helps children explore different ways of dealing with distractions and is more likes discovering or developing their abilities.

Develop attention in the following main areas:

  • Sensory

  • Auditory

  • Visual

  • Kinetic

Social Skills Program

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

Focuses on the development of the child `s social skills that help him/her cooperate and function in the group. The program works on the child`s weakesses with his/her social skills. The child, as well, must realize his/her strengths so that he/she can participate actively in his/her environment and develop other skills resulting grom proper social communication.

Develop the following main areas:

  • Language skills.

  • Body language.

  • Facial expression 

  • Eye contact


Brain Gym Program

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

The program aims at understanding the basic concept of brain sports, learning and applying 26 exercises for the brain, the ability to self-control and focus during sessions, developing self-management skills, strengthening focusing and developing visual skills during the exercise of brain exercises.

All About Me Program 

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

Is a program that teaches children to express their interests, things they can do and learn more about their feelings. The program is full of fun and fun.

Program Objectives  :

  • Build Self-Esteem

  • Learn more about him/her self

  • Develop Friendships 

  • Build a sense of community

  • Develop oral communication skills​


Problem-Solving Program

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

Building problem solving is very crucial to child development of many skills including adaptive skills, reactive emotional management and independence skills. Parents solve their children problems leaving them dependent on them therefore, we as Get Smart Center have offered the chance for the child to develop problem skills through this program.

Toilet Training Program

The target group are 22 months - 30 months

Usually, an eight-day program designed to teach children how to master the toilet training process. Provide support to make teaching and tracking using toilet easier using visual supports which can be used for instruction, assembled into a social story, or used as mini-posters

Chess Therapy Program

The target group are 2 years old - 14 years old

Program Objectives:

  •  Learn to control emotions 

  • Strategic and analytical thinking.

  • Strengthen memory.

  •  Dealing with distraction.

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